Up-to-date list
of scientific publications
In Refereed journals:
1. Polonsky A., Basharin D., and
E.Voskresenskaya. 2000: About influence oceans on the air temperature
variability over the European and Mediterranean regions. Marine Hydrophysical
Journal, No.5, 2000, pp.44-58 (in
Russian). In English translated to Journal Physical
Oceanography, Vol. 10, No.5, 2000.
2. Basharin D., Voskresenskaya E.,
Mickailova N. et al. 2001: Global and regional El-Nino
Southern Oscillations manifestation in the Sea Level Pressure and air
temperature fields in winter. Memorial (Prof.A.Felzenbaum) coll.papers: Sea
currents dynamics. MHI press of National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Sevastopol- 2001, pp.39-50, (in Russian)
3. Polonsky A., Basharin D. 2002: On an
influence of North Atlantic and El-Nino Southern Oscillations on the air temperature variability over the European-Mediterranean
region. Izv. RAN, seriya Fizika Atmosfery
i Okeana, (Atmosphere-Ocean Physics), v.38, No.1, 2002, pp.135-145.
4. Polonsky A., Basharin D., et al. 2003:
Influence of El-Nino Southern Oscillations on the air temperature and pressure
variability over the Atlantic -European region in spring. Marine Hydrophysical Journal, No.3, 2003,
pp.50-62 (in Russian). In English translated
to Journal Physical Oceanography, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2003, pp.171-182.
5. Polonsky A., Voskresenskaya E.,
Basharin D. 2003: North Atlantic / Southern Oscillations and European climate
variability. In book: Climate in transition. University of Calgary, Canada,
Minuteman Press 2003, pp.15-28 (In English).
6. Polonsky A., Basharin D., and Voskresenskaya
E. 2004: North Atlantic Oscillation:
description, mechanisms and its
influence on the Eurasian climate. Marine Hydrophysical Journal, No.2, 2004,
pp.42-59 (in Russian). In English translated to Journal Physical Oceanography,
Vol. 15, No.2, 2004.
7. Basharin D. 2004: To the question about
influence North Atlantic and El-Nino Southern Oscillations on the air
temperature variability over the European and Mediterranean regions in
summer-autumn time. Marine Hydrophysical
Journal, No.5, 2004, pp.64-70 (in
Russian). In English translated to Journal Physical
Oceanography, Vol. 14,
No.5, 2004 (in press).
8. A.Polonsky,
D.Basharin, E.Voskresenskaya, S.Worley and A.Yurovsky 2004: Relationship
between North Atlantic Oscillation,
Euro-Asian climate anomalies and Pacific variability. Pacific
Oceanography Journal, 2004, Vol. 2, No1-2, pp.52-66, (In
1. A.Polonsky, E.Voskresenskaya, Basharin
D. 2000: On the reasons of the European climate variability. Comission on Climatology, Proceedings of the 29th IGC. Kongkuk University,
Seoul, Korea,.2000, pp.74-80, (in English).
2. Polonsky A., Basharin D.,
E.Voskresenskaya 2000: Low-frequency variability of the coupled
ocean-atmosphere system: global and regional
aspects. Proceedings
of the Intern.Confer. on Climate Change & Variability (Tokyo, Japan
Sept.13-17 1999). Ed.by T.Mikami. Commission on Climatology IGU, Tokio, 2000,
pp.231-236, (in English).
3. Polonsky A., Basharin D., Mickailova
N., Voskresenskaya E. 2000: On the features and reason of the European climate
variability. Preprints of Proceedings of the 26th Inter. Conference
on Alpine Meteorology (ICAM2000, 11-15 Sept.2000, Innsbruck,Austria),ZMG
Nr.392, Wien, 2000, p.37, (in English).
4. Polonsky A., Basharin D., Giganshin G.,
Voskresenskaya E. 2002: North Atlantic/ Southern Oscillations, variability of
200-meters top layer in North Atlantic and European climate change. Proceeding
to the National scientific conference
"Hydrometeorology and preservation of the environment 2002",
Odessa, 2002, pp. 59-67 (in Russian).
5. Polonsky A., Voskresenskaya E.,
Basharin D. 2002: North Atlantic, Southern Oscillation, ocean variability and
associated European climate changes. Proceedings of the Regional Confer. of the
International Geographical Society (4-7June, 2002, Durban, South Africa),
6. Polonsky A., Basharin D., Mikhailova
N., Voskresenskaya E. 2002: ENSO-induced climate variability over Europe.
of the Confer. Man and climate in the 20th century, Acta
University Wratislaviensis, 2003, N 2542, Wroclaw, c.87-97, (in English).
7. Polonsky A., Voskresenskaya E.,
Basharin D. 2002:
Atlantic, South Oscillations, sea surface temperature variability of the top
laiyer in North Atlantic and European climate. Coll.papers: Ecological
problems and preservation of the environment, Dnepropetrovsk, 2003, pp.41-50,
(in Russian).
8. Basharin D. 2003: About variability
surface air temperature and precipitation over the Black Sea. Proceedings of
the Conference "Pont Evksinsky III" Institute of Biology Of South
Seas, Sevastopol, Ukraine, 2003, pp.78-79, (in Russian).
9. Basharin D., Emilianov O. Variability
of the different hydrometeorological characteristics over the
European/Mediterranean region in connection with North Atlantic Oscilation
influence. Proceedings of the Confer. Lomonosovsky chteniya, (Black Sea
branch office of Moscow State University, Sevastopol, Ukraine), 29-30 April
2004, pp.87-89, (in Russian).
In Others:
1. Polonsky A., Basharin D. 2001: On
Climate Variability in the European/Mediterranean region. Abstracts of Open
Science Conference Challenges of a Changing Earth(10-13July, 2001, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands), IGBP Programme, Stockholm, Sweden, 2001, p.155, (in English).
2. Polonsky A., Basharin D. 2003: North
Atlantic, El-Nino Southern Oscillations and climate variability in Europe.
General Assembly of EGS, Nice, France, April 2003.
3. Polonsky A., Basharin D., Yurovsky A.
2004: Mechanism of interaction of North Atlantic Oscillation and El
Nino-Southern Oscillation. Abstract 'Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 6,
April 2004', "EGU General Assembly".